Girls are usually calm and sensible creatures. But there comes a time in every girls life when things get out of control. It is at that time that it is of utmost importance to have a digital camera with you and capture moments on photographs that will last for eternity. To the greatest joy of whole of mankind (and I really mean MAN kind Enjoy this photo gallery with funny moments when girls show their wild side.
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33 Responses to “WTF Girls: Photographed at Just the Right Moment”Speak Your Mind
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i think some of those people do it out of idleness and also lack of parental courtesy guide, has cause those people to do all nasty cr*/*
#5) Check out that pu***
and #7) Can probably take all that
BTW gulfaam, what were you doing looking at girls with loose morals?
plz mail me new stuff.
Hi peeps.. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
@gulfaam. Well at the end everyone even the unbelievers and horrible ppl will be given a chance to either accept or reject God.
this site is owesome i can’t believe stayig all nite on you guys……you guys are doing great stuff..
HAHA this is great I know the girl grabbing bugs I dated her for a while. Name is Sophia and she used to live in Atlanta. She had several pics like this with mascots.
I love girl
I love girl,hahahahaha…….
@gulfaam: Since when do funny pictures taken as a joke imply a person has loose morals? Believe it or not, women, like men, also like to make off-color jokes. That doesn’t make then sluts, loose or lacking in morals. I feel bad for any woman that ends up with you…or, if you’re a straight woman, I feel bad for how you view your fellow woman and consequently how you view yourself. I doubt this is what God intended.
yeahh so funny
These are freakin funny. I’d take stupid pictures like that. In fact I do all the time! Buttsville was a memorable city haha
Why does the title say they’re photographed at the right time? These aren’t “lucky” shots taken at an accidental perfect moment. Most are posing intentionally for a photo or deliberately done for artistic or even advertisement purposes.
“WTF Girls” as part of the title shows the creator of this list doesn’t know women at all. “OMG, you mean they like to, like, prank and joke around, too? Hurr durr!”
Love it. Shows a different side of girls funny/s***
@gulfaam go to church and blindly believe everything your preacher says, that’s what you pay him for, in the mean time you shouldn’t really leave comments that hold no relevance to the thread you’re commenting on.
I like the pictures. I am pure.
You can just go ahead and call this ‘typical attention wh***s’, since that’s what the majority of these clearly planned shots are.
Bugs bunny cosplay rulz
i will like you to send me photos of hot girls who need men well i am interested in them nd like to meet them
This page makes out as if women are `creatures` well not really just as human as men and, Haha if you think this is bad you havnt seen anything yet mate, half of these are purposely acte to catch on camera..
>Girls are usually calm and sensible creatures
Stopped reading there. The pictures were decently funny though.
Very Very Nice & Good.
Gulfaam, You say it with such conviction. But the truth remains that it is faith. You don’t “know FOR SURE.” You only believe.
Photographed “at the right time”? Not really, most of them are either posing for a photographer or self shot so its not a case of lucky timing. Maybe you should correct you blog titles. Stumbleupon makes your site look stupid.
Hey, I see a picture of me there (number 3)! How nice
you are standing there , what are you doing there ? you people divert the public to wrong way,
i love it
Where did you get the picture of the girl in the steampunk getup on page 3? Do you have a link?
One one hand, you want to know, what each person is thinking, who is seeing this website of yours, while on the other, you are cautioning each guy who replies to EXERCISE MODERATION.
You must visit a psychiatrist coz’ there is something weird about you?
I suppose you ONLY appreciate those who indulge in loose-morals?
I shudder to think where the morally ‘bad’ guys & girls of each society are likely to land, at-the-end-of-time?
There STILL MAY BE, guys with ‘right’ thoughts & feelings towards others; but alarmingly they seem to be very few.
IF WE,(or those who believe in a religion or in ‘good’ character,) ALSO BELIEVE in true prophesies of the ‘holy books’ sent-down to the earth by ‘The Almighty’ then we know FOR SURE, ‘WHAT’ is in ‘store’
for such unbelievers.
I don’t think I know a single girl that is ‘calm and sensible’, I don’t know where you meet the girls you know.