Imagine how much money you could save, if you made an office completely out cardboard. Impossible; I hear you say. But these images say otherwise. Yes, it is possible and it even looks really cool.
I believe it would be a perfect option for all companies that want to show their care for the nature, and the headquarters of save the nature activists. This, light and fully recyclable office, looks good and perfectly functional. The only thing you need to worry about is your employees bringing a lighter to work. I would buy a good supply of fire extinguishers along with it
Well, you change the office furniture
. That’s the beauty of it!
do what happens when u spill a cup of coffee?
It’s good to see an innovative and stylish solution to such a common problem (if my experience is anything to go by most offices are very poorly designed).
Let’s just see if it passes the fire safety check, though!
Creative and Interesting