It is well known that in popular literature, comics and graphic arts, women warriors have always been a major inspiration of many fantastic artworks. There is something intriguing about a kickass woman fighting in this men dominated world. It is a start of a new era, an era where women are getting more and more powerful. This trend clearly reflects on modern art and fantasy 3D graphic designers. Is that the factor that makes these images so awesome?
The level that this graphic arts movement has reached is confirmed in this cool gallery of fantastic kickass women warriors.
These are very well done, but honestly i hate pictures like this,theyre hardly “women warriors” theyre s** objects with swords, do you honestly think a female warrior would go out to battle in a corset and pant***?
The fifth image down is part of a “Witch” set of several…and it very much undermines the point of the article when you know that the bottom of the image has been cropped so as not to show that her ankle is chained!
Seriously, this are some fine women only if they were real, but still awesome pictures!
Excelentes imagenes gracias.