Illusions Through The Paintings Of Salvador Dali
These are paintings of relatively unexamined aspect of the work of Salvador Dali: his fascination with optical effects and visual perception. These paintings present Dali’s use of various pictorial techniques, photography, and holograms to further his exploration of visual perception and the ways that optical illusion affects our sense of reality. Practically this is collection of his development of the famous double image, the “paranoiac-critical method” that produced images that could be “read” in multiple ways. Take Salvador Dali’s works of art and find double effects!
"Soldier Take Warning" (1942)
"The Mysterious Lips that Appeared on the Back of my Nurse" (1941)
"Ballerina in a Deaths Head" (1939)
"Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire" (1940)
"Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire" (1940)
"The Image Disappears" (1938)
"The Great Paranoiac" (1936)
"Candlestick or Man"(oko1940)
“bowl of veggies or face” (turn around)(1945)
"Paranoiac Visage" (1935)
"Metamorphosis of Narcissus circa" (1937)
"Santiago El Grande" (1957)
"Soft Construction With Boiled Beans "(Premonition of Civil War)(1936)
"Swans Reflecting Elephants" (1937)
"Man/couple with sleeping dog" (1948)
"L'Amour de Peirrot" (1920)
'Old couple or musician" (1930)
Some of these paintings are NOT Dali’s. I know this for a fact. The L’Amour de Pierrot was a postcard that no one knows the creator of. Whoever wrote this article should have confirmed the sources of some of these.
every single one of theese pictures are extremely beautiful in there own gorgeous way. To tell the GOD’s honest truth… every single one of these pictures remind me of a girl named Taylor Edwards, merely because i can describe how i feel about her in exactly the same way.
Tay tay I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!