Striking images from around the world. They show everything: humor, natural disasters and other special moments.
We can call it – the most interesting news from around the world in pictures, so as the picture is worth a 1000 words let the pictures speak for themselves, look and you’ll experience the amazing story they tell to you.
Interesting pictures, Thanks
Nice pics, would have like to see some info about them though (eg. where/when they were taken).
The last one is fake. It is Jiri Paroubek. Czech ex prime minister.
HAHA! The one where the road is missing… that is right outside of my town a year ago! Massive flooding, and it was an 18ft drop
Interesting pictures. Makes you think in a different mind at times.
Parabens ! excelente site, imagens belissimas, conceituais.
vou indica-lo aos amigos !
I think the one with all the fish is due to the dry season, all the water evaporates leaving a small pond with loads of fish in it.
Nice Pics but prefferable to be with captions so we can go with, and comeback and do better comments, thanks most are beautiful
That Buzkashi (Polo variant) pic is awesome. Is it from Pakistan or Afghanistan?
hard to say which is better and all photos are simply beautiful
That guy actually clubbed a baby seal
Excellent photos! some of them you can feel the emotions.
AMAZED…..?very rare and interesting….I AM HIGHLY AMUSED watching these photographs. hoping more delivery from ur side. thank u.
Why no captions?
Many are just great moments, thkx. Now if you add pictures that are sensual, I get e-mail from people who are nuts. A lot of the time I’ll give a thumbs down so I won’t get p**no from whoever get my e-mail address.Outside of that, the pictures tell a whole lot about life, thankx
Take them myself? Do you mean like took the shots with my camera or what?
No they are from reuters’ website. You can visit them if you liked these kind of pics. Was that your question?
Very interesting gallery. Did you take them all yourself or did you have help.
I think that some of this was moving yes, but a lot of it just seems useless. Anyone can take a good picture and capture certain moments I’m not saying any of these are bad pictures, just a very random set. I do like a lot of these pictures though. Great job to whomever took them
Very good selection. Thanks for sharing.
they are nice photos and they get me laughting when ever I see them.
nice and amazing pics, I wish they were labelled and some extra info
very informing!!! full o f feelings!…d’ best!!!!
I think that, besides being outstanding, the pictures are very educational and very informative to what is truly happening in our worlds today. Very good work!
Very good timespending.СпаÑибо!
Surprisingly there were no pics from beautiful and violent Colombia
Very nice pics. But there are some i don’t like ..Bruce Willis pic
some mind-blowing imagery. wow!
this picture very intresting i hop if post some picture for what happen in the palestine … ican supply you some picture if you want.
Nice comment. I couldn’t agree more!
Real life shown all over ..some real intelligent and creative photos..shows this world is the same all over the planet
very interesting pics
Most pecs are fake :/
Outstanding pictures, I wouldn’t have came across in a 100 years. Some to seem forged i.e. children in the middle of praying moslime.
Otherwise amaising.
nice pics
nice pics…
Awsome pictures from the wold all over…….
very interesting…maybe if more people saw these pictures the world would be a better place..
My intention was to create a picture based story, but since i see that a lot of you wish these labeled you can help get them labeled if you wish. [email protected] is e-mail you can send labels to if you wish to contribute
Enjoy the pics. Cheers
Great photos especiaaly related with the whale
Some awesome! Some disturbing..
these were so awesome! i wish they were labeled though
The last Pic- Proves behond the Shatow of any dought. Whom control’s the World.
And it’s not the suit’s or police, Just you and me, Baby………….
Nice there’s a picture from Denmark
Sadly no captions – most frustrating…
is a remainder for me of life!
how many are so blessed in protection and how many test in life man can go thru in many areas.
¨Earth is one country and man kind it´s citizens¨
My kind of Photo shoot
I like it!
Beautiful and historic collection.
how could so many fish died and the fisherman keep row a boat..
These were awesome pictures… thanks for sharing! The one with the whale floating in the ocean.. that would ruin a vacation wouldn’t it?!