Does this boy have one or two girls? Guess again!
Abigail “Abby” Loraine Hensel and Brittany “Britty” Lee Hensel (born 7 March 1990, Carver County, Minnesota, United States), are dicephalic conjoined twins.
They have two spines which join at the pelvis. They have two stomachs, four lungs (two partially conjoined pairs), and two arms. (A third, underdeveloped and unusable arm between their heads was amputated in infancy.
There was documentation on these two girls a while back. They were in highschool, trying to get their drivers license. One controled the lights and blinkers, while the other controled the gas and break. They play softball and go to prom just like any other girl. If you think about it they’ve been living like this their entire life. They don’t know any different, so they adapted and live as normal as possible.
I do remember them saying the biggest thing they hated was people taking pictures of them like they were at a freak show. Taking pictures without asking. Could you imagine living like that? Not the having to share two bodies, but having people treat them like they were aliens.
They have my respect.
this might sound rude but I wonder how they move… I mean each of them have an arm but who controls the body from the pelvis down? I feel like it would be hard to even walk without complete cooperation from the other individual.
Wow. Twice as good in bed. Unfortunately, Also means that all the bad things about women (a.k.a: constant non-stop nagging, always-on jelousy, well you know) go twice as bad.
necrophecy.. you can find a pic of these girls eating a hotdog….
Rule 34 needs to be imposed here.
“These pics are NOT of a girl with two heads. They are of con-joined twins sharing one body. Your lack of empathy is appalling.”
Thanks Gene, I was going to say the same thing. These are two individuals who share a body.
I would totally let these chicks b*** me!
2 for 1 – 2x win!
does anybody else find this pretty hot?
LMAO I wonder how their s*x life is. XD
I find your lack of faith disturbing…
These pics are NOT of a girl with two heads. They are of con-joined twins sharing one body. Your lack of empathy is appalling.