About the Hubble
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by the Space Shuttle Discovery in April 1990. It is named after the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Although not the first space telescope, the Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well-known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The HST is a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, and is one of NASA’s Great Observatories, along with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope.
During it’s period of operation, the Hubble has recorded tons of fascinating images that never stop to amaze people. You simply can’t stay untouched looking at these images. To some these images represent beautiful natures work of arts, physicist may say that they provide us with an insight in our universe, mathematicians may be impressed by forms created by specific mathematical rules, architects look at the beauty of the expression, and you might even say that this is a definite sign that god has created the universe.
No matter which group you belong to, you’ll be amazed by these out-of-this-world pictures. The images that have not been seen by bare human eye, and there may pass many more decades before that happens, if ever. Meanwhile, we have Hubble’s electronic eye to keep us entertained.
So glad to see what we cant comprehend by talking. kind of like GOD???Someday we will see Toobad the telescope is inoperative until d**th!
There is that one picture that looks like a creature or something is showing a man and a woman a light. It’s beautiful.
Amazing pictures, wow, my dad did a great job. You know I think that you guys just need to chill the f*#$ out, okay? There is nothing wrong with religion or atheism, but anything in its extreme is bad. It just causes terrorists…
these are amazing it makes me question my beliefs
This PROVES the holy power of Lord Elvis. “It’s now or never…”
IMAX is creating a movie about it right now
Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos, very nice collection!!
Congratulations this Photo is being featured in on my cite ****
These are some awesome photos, and to think…we are just seeing the extreme tip of the iceberg!!
does saturn has a hole in its south pole????
Amazing and so beautiful. Looking at this pictures makes me feel so small. It also makes me wish I could go into space and see these with my own eyes, hopefully one day we will be able too.
Thanks for labeling these pictures. [sarcasm]
What a fantastic collection of the known unknown being shared here, indeed! Thank you so much for your time and efforts!!!!!
GOD Bless,
seriously, i can understand how people could not believe in god, but i never understood the point of atheism and trying to make people change their ways, let them be. Being nice to people so that you get into heaven sure has such a negative effect on society that we just must have to stop them now and let the world become as corrupt as possible. Anyway, great pics and personally, i think its ridicules that all of this was on accident.
And for the whole galaxies colliding thing, the whole human race will either be over with by 2012 or 2029 right, so who cares. Have fun wasting your life.
Love this pictures. Thinking about the size of the gas clowds thats many light years long gets my mind dizy:S
Hey Nick! Why don’t you leave people alone? If someone wants to believe in God as a creator then let them.
Why must you spend your energy on something you know is a fallacy? Will you not just let people speak their mind, or must you be constantly correcting?
If you have the unseen and supernatural figured out, then why don’t you go treat yourself to a tall cold one and let the rest of humanity continue on the journey without your heckling.
“I was just thinking of how The God who created this universe must enjoy watching all this beautiful artwork taking place.!!”
I know hey! I mean Lord Ram must have had one HELL of a field trip when he was on his chariot travelling between galaxies….but I’m sure when he finally rested he took time to enjoy his creation.
Odd though how he indifferent he is to the Andromeda galaxy & ours are on a collision course – but I suppose as long as he is just enjoying his art museum thats awesome!!!
Not anymore, sorry
I was just thinking of how The God who created this universe must enjoy watching all this beautiful artwork taking place.!!
do you have bigger versions of these? i would love one for a backround
Hubble is one of the best things that our government has ever spent money one. It is just amazing that there is stuff like that out in space.
These images are fascinating, spectacular!
we r so small, thx to Hubble and Nasa and i have great expectation in the future launch of the James Webb Space Telescope in 2013.
Amazing pictures
My brother, who was a burgeoning space engineer/guy (working on a Mars landing scheme of using a balsa wood ball/container to survive a Mars reentry) in his early career, died in 1963, at 26 years old.
The only thing that was seen then in telescopes then were points of light; no IR, no X-Ray, just faint visible light.
I just wish he could have seen what the heavens really look like.
Just one point of clarification. All of these photos are colorized on purpose. The original images don’t have color. The coloring relates to the make-up of the stuff being photographed to that analysts can see differences.
Samrat, you need to check with NASA about copyright. Not the ownwer of this site.
Sure, but please link back to this article on your blog.
can i use these images in my animation project ?? are there any copyright issues?
I am in Awe of the universe! Fantastic
Amazing and Grate set of photos.
These are awesome space images!