Famous historic scenes, romantic pictures, movie scenes, glorious moments in human history captured on pictures and now, recreated using legos. NASA moon landing, romantic scenes, war scenes, starwars scenes, mysterious photos, images of great triumph and horror, all can be reviewed by the magic of lego. Really creative and fun thing to do. Get your lego kit and try it yourself, looks like a perfect excuse to wake up inner kid in yourself and play with legos again.
Sorry about that. I have put a link to a photo stream on flickr. But, again here is a back link to Mike Stimpson’s photos: //www.mikestimpson.com/
Thank you for your effort dear Iovanov
These are all Mike Stimpson’s photos. Why didn’t you put a backlink to his website? //www.mikestimpson.com/
Hair Peace.. bed Peace..
lol ..
nice one
I used to play with Legos all the time as a kid. Maybe it’s time to dust them off!
gratefulness you for your article and it helped me in preparing my college assignment.
This is a ridiculous idea. its stupid and looks like something thought up by a 10 yr old.
this is a great idea!