Do you find these guys somewhat familiar. There is something about them, you’ve seen them before, but can’t remember when. Oh, yeah, they are your favorite cartoon characters. But not as you are used to seeing them on cartoon network or Disney channel, these are cartoon characters in 3D.
This is what they would look like if they were real and walking around your neighborhood. Some look really funny, others look a bit scary and it is obvious they should stay in their 2D world instead of 3D. I don’t think that a lot of children wouldn’t like Popeye looking like he does in 3D at all. On the other hand Calvin & Hobbes or Johnny Bravo look kind of cool rendered in a 3D world.
Super Real Mario Brother
Calvin & Hobbes
Johnny Bravo
South Park: Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny
it’s quite. I like Bart Simpson
Johnny Bravo isn’t as good as it mightbe
from the last 3D realization I like Avatar and Raunchy-school soap
how do i download these pic thanks
Yipes, so this is the set I saw that Mario from once
Johnny Bravo was pretty horrible. Bart Simpson will haunt my nightmares. The rest, pretty good. I especially enjoyed Jessica Rabbit and Bevis and Butthead. Good Stumble.
if you watch the youtube video of it, you can see that the maker used pictures of Angelina Jolie for her eyes and mouth.
“For reasons unexplained, the cartoons inner
characters are now visible for all to see! This is
the 3D realization needed, to finally understand
and examine the personality traits of all these 2D
subjects, as is cleraly read upon their faces. Well
done! Please do more, it’s quite a revelation. : )
Is it just me or does Jessica Rabbit have a slight resemblance of Angelina Jolie!!!
dude…..popeye finally ran out of spinach hahahaha
Bart Simpson is going to have to pay for my therapy bills for now on…
“Can’t sleep… Bart will eat me… Can’t sleep… Bart will eat me!”
Seen most of these on DeviantArt.
Testing the gravatar
Popeye will forever give me nightmares now. Thanks internet!
i pick the old man?