50 Stunning Tilt-Shift Photographs
The Tilt- shift Photography is to use both tilt and camera movements, making the life of objects in a scale effect miniature. The effect can be incredibly powerful, instantly transforming a city into a huge miniature toy . To achieve that some photographers use a lens directly, while others prefer the effect of ” blurring of the target ” with Photoshop.
Here is a series of 50 Stunning Tilt-Shift Photographs.
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Great White Shark Hunting: Fearsome Predator in Action
Predation is one of the most fundamental and fascinating interactions in nature, and sharks are some of the fiercest predators on Earth. However, their hunting pattern is difficult to study because it is rarely observed in the wild. As a result, shark predatory behavior has remained much of a mystery. Researchers have found that sharks hunt in a highly focused fashion, just like serial criminals.
In an awesome display of power and acrobatic prowess, white sharks attack prey with a sudden vertical rush that propels them out of the water. “They hunt solitary juvenile Cape fur seals when light levels are low, stalking them from near the ocean floor to remain undetected, before launching a vertical attack,” Hammerschlag said. “This strategy maximizes a shark’s chances of catching a seal unaware thus initiating a fatal first strike. Stealth and ambush are key elements in the white shark’s predatory strategy.” This hunting strategy of great white sharks can best be observed in these fascinating photographs and artistic CG images of these marvelous animals. More info about white sharks can be found here
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Stunning Images and Legends of the Northern Lights – Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis, also known as northern and southern (polar) lights or aurorae (singular: aurora), are natural light displays in the sky, usually observed at night, particularly in the polar regions. They typically occur in the ionosphere. They are also referred to as polar auroras. This is a misnomer however, because they are commonly visible between 65 to 72 degrees north and south latitudes, which would place it in a ring just within the Arctic and Antarctic circles. Aurorae occur deeper inside the polar regions, but these are infrequent occurrences, and these are often invisible to the naked eye. (//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_%28astronomy%29)
Pretty stunning stuff. Must be incredible to see it live. We have never seen it live but we found amazing picture of the Northern Lights from space and exciting information on legends built around it.
In Bulfinch’s Mythology, Thomas Bulfinch claimed in 1855 that in Norse mythology: “The Valkyrior are warlike virgins, mounted upon horses and armed with helmets and spears. /…/ When they ride forth on their errand, their armour sheds a strange flickering light, which flashes up over the northern skies, making what men call the “aurora borealis”, or “Northern Lights”. “
An old Scandinavian name translates as “herring flash”. The northerners believed the aurora was a reflection cast by large swarms of herring into the sky. Yet a different Scandinavian source calls them ”the fires that surround the North and South edges of the world.”
The Finns named the northern lights revolution, or fox fires. According to their legend, foxes made of fire lived in Lapland. And, the fox fires were the sparks they took up into the atmosphere on their tails.
In Estonian the northern lights are called virmalised, which is a spirit being of higher realms. Some are bad guys and some are good.
The Sami people believed that a person should be careful and quiet when in the presence of the northern lights (called guovssahasat in Northern Sami). To mock the northern lights or singing about them was considered dangerous and could be reason for the lights to come down on a person and kill him/her.
The Algonquin think the lights are their ancestors dancing around a fire.
In Latvian folklore the aurora borealis, especially if red and observed in winter, are fighting souls of dead warriors especially if it is red and seen in the winter. It is an omen foretelling disaster.
Russian folklore associates the northern lights with the fire dragon (“Ognenniy Zmey”). The dragon came to women to seduce them when their husbands were gone.
The northern lights in Scotland were known as “the mirrie dancers” or na fir-chlis. The dance often ended in a fight – “the mirrie dancers bled each other last night”. The appearance of the lights also predicted bad weather.
Prospectors during the Klondike Gold Rush believed that the aurora borealis was the reflection of the mother lode of all gold.
And, the Inuit people of Alaska say that the “shadows” within the display are relatives and friends who have gone to the sky. They march and dance to remind the living people of their presence. When dogs bark and howl at the sounds of the aurora borealis, it is because the dogs recognize their companions.
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Enormous Sky hunters: Birds of Prey
Birds of prey are birds that hunt for food primarily on the wing, using their keen senses, especially vision. They are defined as birds that primarily hunt vertebrates, including other birds. Their talons and beaks tend to be relatively large, powerful and adapted for tearing and/or pi****ing flesh. In most cases, the females are considerably larger than the males. The term “raptor” is derived from the Latin word “rapere” (meaning to seize or take by force) and may refer informally to all birds of prey, or specifically to the diurnal group. Because of their overall large size and predatory lifestyle, they face distinct conservation concerns.
Golden Eagle
Trained Golden Eagle
King Vulture
Cooper’s Hawk
Young Eagle
Horned Owl
Griffon Vulture
Great Horned Owl
Horned Owls
Bald Eagle
Osprey Chicks
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Cloud Formations 1: Horses in The Clouds
Have you ever looked up into the sky of clouds and seen something?
Clouds come in many shapes, sizes, colors and forms—all unique and beautiful in their own way. We found some unbelievably stunning photos that capture fascinating cloud formations from around the globe and divided them in several parts. Have a look at the pictures below—and you never know, they may inspire you to look up to the sky every once in a while. In this part are clouds shaped like horses.
It’s no secret horse lovers have a tendency to be imaginative and to see horses everywhere they look. These horse-loving photographers managed to capture their daydreaming on film and show us that nature loves horses too. Take a minute, put your feet up, and gaze into the sky, how many horses do you see in the clouds?
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Amazing Titanic Museum in US
There is a huge Titanic museum in a little town called Branson in US. As amazing of a tourist attraction it already is, this museum holds a few surprises for its visitors. The coolest thing about the tour is that every tourist visitor is assigned a passenger when they start the tour. They learn all about the person and then when the tour is over, they finally learn whether or not the passenger survived the tragical shipwreck of the Titanic or not.
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Buddhist Temple Built Out Of Heineken And Chang Beer Bottles
Buddhist temple has been built by monks in northeast Thailand who used over a million recycled beer bottles to make the walls and roof.
Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew, also known as Wat Lan Kuad or ‘the Temple of a Million Bottles’, is about 400 miles northeast of Bangkok in the city of Khun Han close to the Cambodian border. Using Heineken bottles (green) and Chang Beer bottles (brown) the monks were able to clean up the local pollution and create a useful structure that will be a visual reminder to the scope of pollution and the potential we can make with limber minds.
The water tower and tourist bathrooms are even made from beer bottle litter. The monks were able to have the local people bring them the building materials which beautifully reflect the Thai sun.