40 Weirdest Technological Inventions Ever
Inventing new gadgets is a tough business. Though, sometimes inventors easily get carried away in trying to make the next technological breakthrough and invent some weird technological inventions. Here are 40 weirdest examples of such technological inventions.
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10 Freakish Wedding Ceremonies
When the day comes every person in the world want to have a special wedding ceremony for themselves. It’s such a special occasion in your life that you want to have fond memories of for the rest of my life. Some people do take these wedding ceremonies to extremes and come up with the most bizarre and weird ideas for their wedding day. Check out these photographs from 10 of the most freaky wedding ceremonies ever. I hope that their marriage didn’t turn out to be as awkward and funny as their weddings.
Wedding dresses as heroes from “Star Wars”. And instead of a priest – Princess Leia
Beauty will save the world? And what beauty is – if not harmony. This couple really look very harmoniously after all?
Nice shelter…Safety first
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Top 10 Epically Failed Newspaper Headlines
This funny article will shamelessly expose absurdities that have been printed in newspapers throughout the U.S. Do you want to have some fun yourself, join the fun and find more of those. Meanwhile, read our top 10 hilarious newspaper headlines.
Hide and Seek
Guess the Australian Army can be a little proud of itself here. They may be incompetent enough to lose an entire truck, but at least they gave it a remarkable paint job.
Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other
This store’s customers can take comfort in knowing just how much the company wants to help save them money.
Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right
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Cartoon Characters Stuck in Real Life
Cartoon characters have their own universe and their own dimension (it used two be two dimensional world but lately computer graphics and animation tend to be 3D more and more often). What would happen if by some bizarre twist of faith these fictional animated characters popped out and appeared in real life. I guess, our life would suddenly become much more interesting and loony . Check out how Astrix, the Simpsons, Shrek, Tarzan and many others would handle themselves in these situation.
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Failed Photoshopping of African-Americans: Ethnic Diversity Photoshop Disasters
For some strange reason, black people and white people still don’t seem to like taking photographs together. Which makes it awfully difficult when a magazine, newspaper or brochure wants to demonstrate diversity, so they must use photoshop.
Photoshopped diversity in Toronto
One black guy on the boat is enough
The white ghost in the machine
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Funny Unexplainable Photographs
This is an amazing image collection of some of the funniest unexplainable photos that internet has ever seen, and we have collected for your entertainment. It is hard to guess what was going on when these photographs were taken, but whatever was happening it sure is funny and intriguing!

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Top 50 Most Unbelievable – Yet Not Photoshopped Photographs
It is hard to be amazed by anything you see on the internet these days, when you know for a fact that any teenager with a computer and a copy of Adobe Photoshop or other photo manipulation software can put together a fake photograph in a couple of minutes. Which would make you completely right to believe that these photographs have been tempered with! Unfortunately, this means there’s a bunch of jaw-dropping images that the internet declared “FAKE!” the moment they appeared! But, you need to be broad minded and always mind that real life is, sometimes, stranger than Photoshopped imagery and some of the most unbelievable, jaw-dropping of those photographs are, in fact, REAL.