Spectacular Helicopter Static-Electricity Phenomenon
(Image © Michael Yon)
In the middle of a desert, a military helicopter creates a stunning show while initiating an impossible static electrical discharge, spectacular phenomenon for all the lucky viewers on site. Luckily someone had a camera, and probably, a permission to take photos of this amazing light show, so that we may enjoy this as well. It would be great if I had one of those and a desert with lots of sand in the air. Meanwhile, enjoy the photos.
(Image © Michael Yon)
(Image © Michael Yon)
(Image © Michael Yon)
(Image © Michael Yon)
(Image © Michael Yon)
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Crazy and Funny Parking Fails
Funny things happen on the road. Some are caused by bad driving, some are caused by neglect of other drivers, some are just crazy and could not been foreseen. No matter what the cause is, it is always highly entertaining to see crazy attempts of parking end badly. The result is this big photo collection of funny parking fails that will make you laugh very hard.
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16 Amazing and Unique Modern Church Designs
These are amazing and unique modern church design. Structures made in the tradition of elevating the soul, without the usual cultural shorthand. We found the best 16 examples of modern churches and chapels, so check them.
The chapel of Notre Dame du Haut, designed by Le Corbusier, is located in Ronchamp. The Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut, a shrine for the Catholic Church at Ronchamp was built for a reformist Church looking to continue its relevancy. Warning against decadence, reformers within the Church looked to renew its spirit by embracing modern art and architecture as representative concepts. Father Couturier, who would also sponsor Le Corbusier for the La Tourette commission, steered the unorthodox project to completion in 1954.
The building itself is a comparatively small structure enclosed by thick walls, with the upturned roof supported on columns embedded within the walls. In the interior, the spaces left between the wall and roof, as well as asymmetric light from the wall openings serve to further reinforce the sacral nature of the space and buttress the relationship of the building with its surroundings.
Designed by Richard Meier, the Jubilee Church located in Rome and serving more than 8,000 residents. As a church and community center, the Jubilee was designed with modern formalism in mind but still adopts historical integrity in order to revitalize the decaying residential fabric.
The perceptual volume of the church is directly influenced by natural light since the zenith light and the glazed skylights between the successive shells are continually responsive to the changing pattern of light and shadow as the sun moves across its trajectory. According to the season, the weather, and the time of day, light is variously graduated down the inner surface of the shells thereby imparting to the church, the chapel and the baptismal fount a particular character.
Church of The Light, sometimes called “Church with Light” is the Ibaraki Kasugaoka Church’s main chapel. Built in 1989, in the city of Ibaraki, Osaka Prefecture and design by famous Japanese architect, Tadao Ando who often uses Zen philosophies when conceptualizing his structures. A communal church located in a quiet residential neighborhood in the suburbs of Osaka, the Church of The Light consists of two rectangular volumes that are both cut at a 15 degree angles by freestanding concrete walls. One indirectly enters the church by slipping between the two volumes, the Sunday school and the worship hall. The space of the chapel is defined by light, the strong contrast between light and solid…
The Church on the Water is located in Tomamu, east of the city of Sapporo on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. It was designed by Tadao Ando between 1985 and 1988, and it was built in an astonishingly quick five months in 1988. The site is in a clearing in a beech forest, and slopes down towards a small river. Hills surround the site to the west, and a resort hotel lies behind the church, to the east.
The church faces a large pond, 80m by 42.7m in size. The pond steps down in five stages towards the small river. At the high end of the pond is the building, the shape of which is basically a pair of overlapping cubes. The larger of the two faces the pond directly, and serves as the chapel. It is connected to the smaller cube entrance by means of a semi-circular, spiral stairway. Finally, a long, L-shaped wall runs alongside the south and east of the pond-building grouping, separating the church from the hotel behind it.
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Cloud Formations 1: Horses in The Clouds
Have you ever looked up into the sky of clouds and seen something?
Clouds come in many shapes, sizes, colors and forms—all unique and beautiful in their own way. We found some unbelievably stunning photos that capture fascinating cloud formations from around the globe and divided them in several parts. Have a look at the pictures below—and you never know, they may inspire you to look up to the sky every once in a while. In this part are clouds shaped like horses.
It’s no secret horse lovers have a tendency to be imaginative and to see horses everywhere they look. These horse-loving photographers managed to capture their daydreaming on film and show us that nature loves horses too. Take a minute, put your feet up, and gaze into the sky, how many horses do you see in the clouds?
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Hilarious Famous Women Look-a-Likes: Beautifully Chubby
These are the images of some of the most famous women in the world. Some you may know from movies others from covers of big magazines. But, there is a twist about them. They have been altered, manipulated and transformed into another version of themselves: their cute but hilariously chubby look-a-likes.
Do you like them better this way? Has the natural and long time lost ideal of roundness in woman’s body been restored? Or do you believe that they would never made it to the covers of those magazines? Can you recognize them in these photos?

? - Carmen Electra

? - Anna Kournikova

? - Pamela Anderson

? - Britney Spears

? - Sarah Jessica Parker
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11 Most Attractive Women of Football Players on FIFA World Cup
During the recent FIFA World Cup in Africa the whole world was able to see some great football, brilliant moves, nerve-breaking drama and lots of displays of passion for the game. In spite of all that, the spotlight of this sport competition was not only on the game of football itself but also on the people around the field. By people around the field, I mean beautiful women, the necessary ingredient of every good game of football.
In this spirit, we present you with those babes that steal away attention from their partners, football stars of FIFA cup. Instead of creating a perfect starting lineup of skillful football players we have created starting 11 Most Attractive Women of Football Players, a team that strikes with its beauty and magical attractiveness. Worth playing football for? Definitely!
Gianluca and Valentina Zambrotta
Marcell Jansen and Denise Richards
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Amazing Titanic Museum in US
There is a huge Titanic museum in a little town called Branson in US. As amazing of a tourist attraction it already is, this museum holds a few surprises for its visitors. The coolest thing about the tour is that every tourist visitor is assigned a passenger when they start the tour. They learn all about the person and then when the tour is over, they finally learn whether or not the passenger survived the tragical shipwreck of the Titanic or not.